Onsite Services
HR. PSYCHOLOGY - TODAY aims to manage and prevent situations and behaviors that affect the health, well-being and performance of employees, as well as the smooth operation of the business. Issues such as stress, interpersonal relationships, illness, financial issues, changes in working conditions and workload are of particular concern to employees.
Through Onsite service, a Counselor-Psychologist visits the company, at a predetermined time, to provide:
- Advisory support of employees on issues of their concern, through individual meetings
- Advisory guidance to the company's management and the Human Resources (HR) department, to deal with dysfunctional situations. Also, to promote mental health of employees and executives and improve their performance. The different needs and priorities of each case are analyzed in detail.
Through the Onsite Nutritionist service, the nutritionist visits the company at a predetermined time providing:
- fat determination measurements, in order to provide an individual nutrition plan & monitor the progress of individuals nutrition
- advice and information to employees
- strengthening individuals' commitment to a new healthier lifestyle by rewarding their effort