Foods and Stress

  • Proteins

Proteins are made up of amino acids, tyrosine, helps to increase the levels of dopamine and epinephrine, which have the ability to give the body energy and keep it alert. Foods rich in protein are egg white, fish, seafood, poultry, red meat and dairy products.

  • Probiotics

Good brain function is associated with the consumption of probiotics and dairy in general.

  • Tryptophan

Tryptophan is one of the essential amino acids.

Essential amino acids are those that cannot be synthesized by the body on its own and can be obtained through food. Tryptophan helps create a very important serotonin neurotransmitter. Serotonin is associated with relaxation, good mood and reduced anxiety. Foods rich in serotonin are eggs, dairy products, meat, chocolate, legumes, sesame, banana, etc.

  • Folic acid

Lack of folic acid is responsible for the reduction of serotonin levels. Folate is found in oranges, bananas, yeasts and green leafy vegetables (e.g. spinach), so anyone who avoids these foods is at greater risk of developing stressful conditions.

  • ω-3 Fatty Acids

According to studies, ω-3 Fatty Acids help the brain to function properly. They also act against inflammation and together with vitamin D contribute to the regulation of serotonin and dopamine resulting in a good mood. Foods rich in o-Fatty Acids are definitely fish, fish oils, flaxseed, nuts, seafood, spinach, the family of cruciferous vegetables, etc.

  • Vitamin C

This vitamin as an antioxidant has an anti-inflammatory effect. This implies the proper functioning of the brain as well as the regulation of stress. Foods rich in vitamin C are kiwis, peppers, citrus fruits, berries, etc.


Christina Karachotziti, MSc, Dietitian - Nutritionist